How To

Improve ANY Behaviour!

Yes, I know, a pretty bold claim, right?

But, really, once you understand the principles behind HOW horses learn,ย you really can apply them to any situation fromย hooflifting to hacking, leading to loading, spooking to shoulder-in…ย Hey, Iโ€™m Hannah and Iโ€™m a softie with horses ๐Ÿฅฐ. This isnโ€™t usually appreciated in the horse world, where pressure and dominance are the norm, but I always felt uncomfortable pushing and fighting with horses. Luckily, I found another way.

During the past 20 years, Iโ€™ve worked with hundreds of horses and their humans, as well as my own varied herd, and learned that it isย absolutely possible to be an effective horse trainer, while being gentle and soft.

Iโ€™ve worked with many rescued, abused and wild horses, as well as happy ones, young ones, old ones, pushy ones, aggressive ones, shut-down ones and horses who are fine-but-just-need-a-little-guidance. It works with all of them. Iโ€™ve even worked with donkeys, mules, zedonks and zebra. It works with them, too.

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If youโ€™re looking to find a way to work with your horse that builds the trust between you while training or changing your horseโ€™s behaviour, I can help you.

In this mini video series, Iโ€™ll show you how:

You can improve your horseโ€™s behaviour by understanding their emotions

To help your horse feel more relaxed, joyful and willing

To build better communication, trust and bond with your horse

Tailored tips to work with YOUR horse in a soft and effective way, whether your horse is pushy or shy, green or advanced, ridden or non-ridden.

TO Adapt CT TRAINING TECHniques to

9 different types of horses and situations

It's all FREE - just pop your email in above and we'll send it to you ๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿ‘†

Hannah Weston

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